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Ben Sasse Statement Israel

UF President Ben Sasse Calls Out Silent Universities on Israel Condemnation

Former Senator Criticizes Academic Leaders for Not Speaking Out Against Hamas Atrocities

Gainesville, Fla. – Following the recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas, University of Florida President Ben Sasse has taken aim at other academic leaders for remaining silent on the issue.

Sasse's Statement

In a statement released on Sunday, Sasse expressed his disappointment with the lack of condemnation from universities across the nation. "It is outrageous and unconscionable that some of our most prestigious institutions of higher learning have been utterly silent in the face of such evil," Sasse said.

Sasse went on to criticize those universities that have not issued statements of support for Israel or condemned the terrorist actions of Hamas. "Our campuses should be bastions of free speech and critical thinking, but instead, they are too often platforms for silence and appeasement," he said.

Reaction from Jewish Community

Sasse's statement has been met with praise from the Jewish community. Rabbi Jeremy Listhaus of the Conservative Synagogue of Gainesville said, "We are grateful to President Sasse for his strong stand against anti-Semitism and for his support of Israel."

However, not all have agreed with Sasse's assessment. Some critics have accused him of using the situation to advance his own political agenda. Others have argued that universities should remain neutral on political issues.

Despite the criticism, Sasse has remained firm in his stance. In a recent interview, he said, "I believe that universities have a moral obligation to speak out against injustice and evil. Remaining silent is not an option."
